Ramps are the Vidalia onions of leeks and they are wonderful. I ripped the idea for tonight's dinner from the Ramps-Arugula-Bacon-Goat Cheese Pizza off of What Geeks Eat.
Pizza with Ramps, Bacon & Tomato
1 pre-made pizza crust (or make your own - see above links for some instructions)
1 roma tomato, sliced (canned tomatos would work here too ... and could make this super local)
1 bunch Ramps
1 bag of shredding cheeses (I used Organic Valley's Italian cheese mix) or shred some cheese
4 slices of fresh mozzarella
handful of fresh chives
6 slices of bacon
marinara or pizza sauce (I used TJ's Tomato Basil Marinara sauce)
Olive oil
Cook the bacon how you like (Personally, I'm a bacon in the microwave kind of girl). While the bacon is cooking, cut the leaves off the ramps and coarsely chop leaves and bulbs. Then coarsely chop the chives. Put ramps and chives into a bowl and toss with a drizzle of olive oil. Slice tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. Pour and spread the sauce onto the pizza crust and sprinkle with shredded cheese. Then cover with the ramps & chives mixture. Place the mozzarella and tomato slices evenly around the crust. Crush the bacon into small pieces and sprinkle on the pizza.

Cook the pizza according to the instructions for the crust. Generally, if the cheese is melted and the crust brown, it's done. Duh.

The pizza was pretty much awesome - I highly recommend it and so does Adam (which means it was really really good).
While waiting for the pizza to cook, I threw together some left-over pizza ingredients, some of what I got at the Farmer's Market yesterday, and other things in the fridge to make a salad to take to work for lunch.
3 handfuls of baby salad mix
Grape tomatoes, cut in half
Shredded carrots
Rest of the Organic Valley shredding Italian cheese mix
Rest of the package of bacon ( ~ 6 slices), cooked and coarsely crushed into small pieces
Handful of fresh cilantro
1 Avocado, sliced (not pictured, whoops)
Combine in a bowl. I'll probably eat it with Ranch dressing because Ranch + fresh Cilantro = awesome.

Yum. I can't wait for noon tomorrow ...
*Gluten-Free: If using a gluten free pizza crust and tomato sauce then both pizza and salad are gluten-free
*Low-carb: Salad is pretty low-carb and could cut down on veggies if needed.