Saturday, December 6, 2008

First Winter Share Pick Up of the Season

I was very excited today for our first winter share pick up of the season. This year our farm - Garden of Eve - offered a "shopping basket" option for their winter share which would include local grains, diary, and fruit. I couldn't wait to see what we got!

First the veggies:
- Kale
- Collard Greens
- Turnips
- A Massive yellow carrot
- 2 bunches of baby orange carrots
- 1 small head of garlic

- Apples
- Fuji Apple Juice from Red Jacket Orchards

Other Stuff
- Jar of Honey from South Paws Farm
- Kasha
- Cream of Buckwheat
- Hawthorne Valley Farm Yogurt

Since I'm not really a big breakfast cereal fan, especially not hot cereals, I'm trying to figure out what to do with the buckwheat and Kasha. The back of the buckwheat box has a tasty looking recipe for "Cheesy Buckwheat with Green Chilies" which I might try. I also found a recipe for Gluten Free Italian Buckwheat Gnochi. There a few Kasha recipes on the Pocono site which sound good: Kasha and Honey Bread, Applesauce Kasha cookies, and Savory Kasha Apple Suffing.

We are also doing the Winter Sun Farms share which starts in about a week and a half. That one is preserved food from the summer: pureed squash, frozen tomatoes, etc. All and all it's looking to be a yummy, not quite as filled with beets winter of local eating!

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