Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Mission ...

Get ready for a shocker: Food in New York City has been my biggest disappointment about living here. The restaurants are just not that good and too expensive for what they are. Grocery stores are terrible. Adam once opened a frozen hot pocket only to find it moldy. Think about that - it had to thaw, sit out long enough to get moldy, and then be frozen again. Gross. And they are expensive. So now I'm a Trader Joes girl all the way.

In a visit to St. Louis, my friend Alissa told me about her CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and about some friends of hers in NYC who are a part of one. I looked it up and found one in our neighborhood. Last spring, with much excited anticipation, Adam and I joined our local CSA.

It's been awesome. Amazing. I love it and preach the gospel of CSA to everyone I know. AND it forced to me to learn to cook and bake. Our first week, we got 2 quarts of fresh, off-the-vine-ripe strawberries. They were amazing ... and gonna go bad quickly. So I decided to bake a pie. I went to the amazing kitchen store down the street, The Brooklyn Kitchen, walked shyly up to counter with my rolling pin, and asked tentatively 'Do I need anything else to make a pie?'

A couple hours later I called my mom, ecstatic: "Guess what I did? I made a PIE!" She laughed. I even rolled my own crust (although I didn't make the dough) and the pie didn't turn out half bad.

After reading and loving The Omnivore's Dilemma, I really hopped on the local food movement (mostly) and decided to get involved with organizing the CSA.

I created this blog to share my joys, triumphs, and failures as I embark on a cooking and baking journey with my organic, locally produced fruits, veggies, eggs, and flowers. Join me.

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